Sunday, October 24, 2010


ASEAN kendo tournament has just been concluded, there was so many exciting matches! so much so that i lost my voice cheering on day one in the woman's matches haha!

Overall, the competition was extremely intense, with daphne winning 1st place individuals and the girls winning the first place in team. Guys were equally good, glen, the underdog!, won 2nd place and team A managed a 2nd runner up.

But that aside, i chalked up a pretty miserable performance. 2 lost 1 draw. I don't really believe it is the competition but rather a personal thing. It is totally different to compete with people outside your country and be exposed to judges with different perspective that I am used to. But the loses made me think of various issues...

I feel that throughout the years, my kendo has been pretty inconsistent... that fighting for a point doesn't neccessarily mean attacking more but perhaps means fighting harder. Though the line is blur, but being too excited and just going for it is perhaps not a clever thing to do. A calm mind, a stable body and a cut that is worthy of a point is perhaps more important. And when you are a point down, focusing more on these is more important than perhaps chionging all the way... hmmm....

more things to work on....

anyway, yesterday night was crazy!
with senseis getting drunk, we were also getting a little tipsy.
When hasebe sensei is drunk, he really is funny! like some japanese game show host haha!

"WHO AM I!?!?!?!"

hahaha! really a night to remember. must more interesting than last ASEAN's sayonara party. but maybe it is because of the location it is held.

On another note, had a talk with one of the seniors and agreed that nyp kendo seriously needs some perking up... hmm....

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