Friday, April 15, 2011


The below post is so totally written by me
It is 100% true and factual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I think I wont get a university placing in NTU/NIE or SMU :(

I will just wait for the I AM SORRY letter ba :(

Lets just hope SIM accepts me..else... Contract teaching? HMMMM....
Hi all....

My GF is super super cute!!!
Wont be able to find someone better than her already lorrr!!!

See? Pretty, beautiful features~ 3D face, long eye lashes. well defined body line. smart. never nag, good temper. forgiving. talk softly, never argues. never anyhow spend money. faithful. kind hearted. aiyaaaaa... everything is better than u! as easy as that!

See?? although i always say her bad stuff in front of my friends. but deep inside my heart... OHHH~~~ I knew she is the best... OH~~ she is an angel~~~