Saturday, March 20, 2010

Can i have the cake and eat it too

I am thinking of something meaningful, something... to discuss or better understand... but i know not how to put it.
You have 3 choices of cakes and a dessert served every so often, you only have 3 plates.
Cake A cake B cake C and dessert D.
Each plate has but space for one thing, and therein lies the problem, you want ALL.
But you love cake A, it is the best, it is like...your life blood! so delicious, so tempting... you can't hope to live without it and it fills every dream you have in your life..... you need cake A so damn hell you are going to have cake A in at least one of your plate!
Cake B and C... well... not that important...but it is something you want. You wont die without it, but you really would prefer having it time and again...
and D, well, it is you try to take a little of it every time.
So you are greedy... but how? you want cake A, ideally, cake A fills 3 plate..but you know that you want other cakes too! though they are less important... hmmm
AH! i wish i have more plates, but too bad... you dont!
so what do you do?

There is a need to set a perspective. What you want more - no, what you need first. Every so often in a person's life, we are found standing in the middle of the crossroad of choice. A, B, or C. Be it in the most menial of work, such as.... guessing an answer in an MCQ, or life and death where what you choose matters the most. But in choosing, we tend to sacrifice. But we are human, we are greedy. That drives us, we greed for knowledge, we greed for material wealth, we greed for emotions, love, attention, fame, passion etc. So we don't want to sacrifice. To the point where sometimes, we stubbornly put squeeze the things we need just so we can fill it in with things we want - much like how people put less ice so there is more coke in the cup.
And you like an ah beng in the void deck, you wonder.... how a?
The noble answer, politically correct and practiced, i feel, by a mere minority in the world. Set the eye on nothing but one. Head to the one and only choice and let all others be but insect bites, irritating, unimportant.
That things, you tell yourself, would be the thing i need. And it needs courage. It needs the stubborn fact that you must steel your heart against all other choices, tempting it maybe.
So, cake A B C? D?
It is a question that i find myself asking, even when i had made a choice that i know is wrong. But i make no pretense, i am selfish. But am i wrong? i feel that i am. why? because i questioned myself. A choice, made with a full commitment, has no rooms for questions. It is a focal point of your will and judgement, skirting almost near to fool-hardy stubborness.
Human? is it an excuse? or a rightful reason for selfishness?
Can i smoke and be healthy? can i jump and not fall? can i die and yet live?
Can i not trade what i need for most with what i want? can i have the steel to put away all else and remain focused?

on a lighter note...
Just last week, grace spent money liao... not bad la, she tahan'ed for like, 2 weeks? haha
clap clap clap!!!!!!!!!!!
there is hope for the world!!!!!!!

jia you o! den next time we wont become pok liao (rather i wont become pok T^T)