Sunday, May 9, 2010


yoh! i am back to this blog. Its been a while since i last blogged! haha
nearly a month already. and it is not because i dont want to blog, but rather i dont have the time, opportunity and most importantly, INSPIRATION~!

BUT!!!!! my lao ban niang ask me to blog so.. m(T^T)m ... see, hao ke lian de zai type.
oh well
i just got letter from NTU, guess what? YEAHHHHH!!!! I NEVER GOT SELECTED - AGAIN!
expected la, 3.0 gpa, no appraisal, sure DIE!
so now i dont know what to do :(
maybe go private?
dad been bugging me to check out aust universities fees... but cannooott!! i go le, who take care of the rabbit at home???? haha! but also very exp!!!!!!!!
but their courses are very comprehensive... a mark of a matured sports culture! not like singapore .
anyway. worst come to worst.... go NIE lor! liao bu qi!!!! say until so easy..later they also reject me :'(
sigh! having a degree has become a norm in the society! majority of them have it!!!!
and most of the JC people can get a place! sigh! burn them!!!!!!

okay, i must relax

anyway, talking about relaxing, my work, i found, has made me more TENSE! FRUSTRATED! ANNGGRRRRYYYYYYY~~~

Retarded people keep making me do redundant things. even beyond my scope of work! which, i may add, is quite fuzzy anyway. But must relax! that guy has a SOCIAL DISORDER (really!), so yea, can't really blame him..riigghhhtt???
oh wellss!!!!

today is mothers day!

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