Sunday, December 6, 2009

On the 30th of November, tutu gave to me...

today minus 6 was my first year together with grace!
shocking isnt it? how fast things went!!!!!!

haha! i dont know how to describe it with words but i will just use the normal clique that oh, "time just flies".

it is really in a blink of an eye!
you see a,
*blink* one year 6 days xx hour xx mins xx seconds
*blink* one year 6 days xx hour xx mins xx +1 seconds

There is many more years out there to go, i believe that
and i also believe that we can forge that years out!!!!!!!

alas it was celebrated early in a not so... hmmm... well, not as high a standard as i would like *nods*

So to my first year 6 days and counting special someone! we shall celebrate a better one next time okay?

and for a record picture, me and her!
err.. whoops, lets try again...
errr... NO! but wow, she sure looks pretty her right? :x

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