Sunday, January 18, 2009

11th YKT!

after two grueling days of competition, it is OVER!
on the first day (17'jan), was individual competition up to semi finals
First two matches for me were really a HORROR!
anyway, i got 3 points for 2 matches, so i was the 2nd winner of the round robin, yay, no need to face off with the 13 year old jap kid (who is power! but i suspect it must be due to the SUPER CHEAT 38" SHINAI!)
anyway, i hopped over to court A...i forgot who i fought there..only remembered two matches becos it was against nyp people :( (or rather one nyp and one alumni)
i sooooo didnt want to fight against our own people! like stabbing each other! but thats that =\
In the end of the day, i got to the semi finals to fight with a korean super-wack-you-upside-down-guy kang! he is good mind you! despite the super-wack-you-upside-down-guy tag.
quite surprised he wont the jap kid!
Apparently, everyone from nyp got wiped out except for our very own TEE SENSEI! and alina (surprise!!!!)

After the shiai, went to keiko with hayashi, MY GOD HE IS FAST! bam BMA BAM BAM BAM! i suspect the few points i took was like, given lol. After that, went to fight with nishida sensei! wah! managed to get men! yay! that aside, the highlight must be the fight with martin...first time i managed to get two points off him!!!!!!!!!!! WOOTS!
i got a total high from it man

After keiko, went to eat at CPF building sakae sushi, sat there and talk crap and wondered how good it was if ph, xn, mikio mk and i were in a same team... we would go into the shiai-jo playing one eyed! :x (so hao lian hor?)

backed at 10 and slept at 11!

so day two (18 jan)
*someone* asked me to give a morning call, but lo and behold..... that *someone* made me listen to her horrible call tone to tell me later when i met her that SHE LEFT THE HP ON SILENT MODE! *clap clap clap* sarcasm aside.........

semi finals started so suddenly! anyway, so sad..TEE SENSEI GOT WIPED! WHY!!!! RAWR! and also alina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me, oh the great me (cant i just praise my self a little while..? what? i always do that? then once more wont matter la..... it does? oh? sorry lo), managed to win the person that won kc... took longer than usual imo.... but thats thats! he shouldnt have got to semis though imho..but his kote was good! that i give

after that was the ladies team
i really dont know where to start..but all i can say is that EVERYONE DID VERY WELL! wow! a lot of hidden talent showed itself today, amanda! OMG! hahaha, not to mention tee sensei...liying...junior girls... mymymy
in the end, only one nyp team got to the finals, team A consisting of Yiwen, Ah Ma, and Amanda!

Now, after that very brief summary of ladies team, comes the MENS TEAM!
my team consist of oliver me mk mikio and jy (with yong gao as reserved)
Oliver to my big big surprised was very oosh today! played very very well
anyway, we managed to breeze through the matches.. but during one of the match i think i was quite retarded (eh wait, was it the team match? i think this belongs to individuals... but what the heck), i almost fell TWICE, cos (according to the haha group -__-) my head was too heavy! attempted gyaku do but the floor was quite sticky! my leg cant catch up with my body! so like that lo, quickly caught myself when i realised that my leg was lagging behind lol! then when i step out, i almost fell also cos i leaned quite a lot and quickly twisted when i remembererd i was at the line... i think i sprained my knee there :'( pain pain

ok, so it came to the crucial match, we had to fight with skc team C and my! what a waste...till now my heart itches to think about it! it was a close (but not close, you have to be there to know what i mean) match =\
oh well, not to dwell too much upon it

i will skip ladies individual finals cos nyp all got knocked out already lol
for mens individual, i had to fight KANG! OMG!
if oliver didnt manage to get a point off him before hand, i would have been more stressed
the fight with him was intense! managed to get a point off him, and in between, he could have scored (and me, him) but it was cancelled out a lot of times lol... in the end, managed to get another point and ended it!
Had to fight novelty match also, BUT FOUGHT AGAINST HAYASHI!!! OMG! got two points off me in what? 30 seconds? (and susan had to mention it at the ending speech! LOL!)
oh well!

I just have to say at the end of the shiai, everyone really did a good job... i wasnt very sure of everyone before today and now i felt that everyone leaped a step forward!
Of course i am happy to win my medals but to those that didnt, i felt you all have won too! for all the efforts you all put in impressive!
tee sensei! power liao hor!
amanda! also power liao hor!!! hahahaah not bad not bad
lets see if we can join next year's de anot, den gun for gold again!

cant wait to recieve the pics from christine etc! woohoo~!!!

and now it is time for me to nurse all my wounds (old and new :( ) and study!!!! bye bye kendo!!!!! :(
lets see if i can resist temptation lol!
good luck to you all yah?!
will pop down if i have the time *nod

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