Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Post CNY

okay seriously, i havent opened my ang pows yet~
hahaha so lets make a guess how much the total is~~~

my foot.
i think it will be like <$100 :'(
every year like that de... WHY CANT GOD GIVE ME MORE RELATIVES!?!?!?
no wait, i dont want more relatives..troublesome..and noisy... WHY CANT GOD GIVE ME A FEW BUT FILTHY RICH RELATIVES THAT WILL POW $X,xxx amount of cash (at least 4 digit! first digit cannot be 0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
oh well, they say, when life gives you lemon..MAKE LEMONADE!

okay so reunion dinner is okay-okay
2nd day went over to aunty house as usual...den when i was back home, i was not allowed to do project cos it is chu yi and and and, my dad damn funny
he told my relatives he had something important to do den dont want to pei them go johor..
guess what it is?

he said - he needed to go home guard the bed! lol he say later people steal it! and of cos, we being good sons, must share the responsibility!
so we headed home and nua'ed the whole day away!!!! people call we refuse to pick up, we locked the gates to pretend theres no one home~~ hohohho
my god
my relatives better not be reading this LOL!
my family will boil me and make pork soup or something... mhmmm

day two, went to grab tutu to my house bai nian, so suay that my mum decide that day to start salting our dish -___- ALL SO SALTY! her and her bultan way of cooking... all salt -________________________________- and she is rusty in cooking liao
i sometimes secretly thanked god that she doesnt cook all the time now :x

oh oh, when i visited tutu house..wah!!!!!!!!! i felt like i was in a hong kong drama or somethnig~~ lei ah lei ah~~ lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eat eat eat nua den go home le
now got school
sucks man
i need to rest more
in less than a month is EXAMS! OMGGGGGAWDDSS~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why do i feel like mugging?
but no tips lazy

1 comment:

  1. come on...this is a contradiction. u expressed all yr thoughts here and put yr blog on MSN, and not expecting anyone to read it? aint that a paradox? But i do agree on one thing- cheapskate relatives...and YES, very little money for ang baos. gosh! fucking noisy relatives that always talk inconsequential stuff. anyway, u cant be expecting much from all these ppl rite?! so i say FUCK CNY, FUCK noisy woodpeckers who like to dig into ppl's affairs, and FUCK FUCK fuckers...good that im not in sg now:) PEACE* -Miss Tong.
